Cornerstone Kings Park

The Plan

The site of the Cornerstone Kings Park is the former Sombrero’s Southwest Grill, at 30 Indian Head Road. It will feature 6 studios, 35 one-bedroom units, and 9 two-bedroom units, for a total of 50 units.

This project did not come out of thin air. Utilizing the Revitalizing Downtown Kings Park Action Plan, Terwilliger Bartone, with the Cornerstone Kings Park project, fills an important role of meeting the desires of the plan, from parking to transit orientated development to design and more.

The Action Plan identified the site we have chosen as appropriate for residential apartments, and drawing from citizen input on building facades and streetscapes, Terwilliger Bartone has designed a community that fits the desires and needs of this plan.

VIew the SIte Plan

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